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Charter's Hill Hospital

Charter's Hill hospital is a place that many would not even begin to believe truly existed. Perhaps not only for the use in the Nation and the amount of lives such a place saves, but also the display of sheer strength and ease of the Glasswalker held with such a place of being.


Believe it or not, Charter's is in fact as Caern. An urban Caern near to the Deep. Houston, Texas provides a mass power and staging point for both the Glasswalker who reside there but also the Bonegnawers who take refuge amongst it's streets and subways. 


Charter's Hill is fueled by one of the "Twins." Two fire spirits that keep the blazes burning for the two Caerns found within Houston's borders. The Hospital is a fully kitted and fully functional teaching hospital, known for it's academic brilliance amongst the medical circles and professions. It is however one specific wing of the hospital, protected by countless charms and wards that the supernatural are treated for their wounds and sickness.

The hospital caters for some of the most extreme wounds and diseases that the Nation will come across. Even with it's own secured iron walls for those losing their battles to the Wyrm and Harano. But it is not only Garou that are treated within it's grounds, causing suspicion and concern throughout the higher ranks of the Nation. Even vampires and fae have been noted to be on it's patients lists and rosters.


Of course such a place needs a suitable leader and luckily Charter's Hill has just the right Garou for the job. This comes in the shape of a powerful Glasswalker Elder Philodox known to the nation as Equilibrium. "EQ" as he is affectionately known is a careful man with a lot on his plate to keep the grounds and it's occupants safe, from politics and bureaucracy to attacks and destruction. It is not unknown for this vast place to suffer damage by both sides of the fence, Gaian and the Wyrm. 



Yet for every attack at it's door, Charter's Hill continues to florish under it's turmoil. EQ has of course secured it's future and in doing so he relaxes in the knowledge that this place will be kept safe even if it costs him his own existence. 


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